لغز الوجه المخفي Hidden Face Puzzle
من السهل العثور علي وجه الرجل لكن هل يمكنك العثور علي بناته الثلاث ؟ ظهر هذا اللغز في الإعلان عن شركه فورد حبوب منع الحمل في 1892.
It's easy to find a man's face, but can you find his three daughters? This puzzle appeared in the announcement of the Ford birth control pill in 1892.
It's easy to find a man's face, but can you find his three daughters? This puzzle appeared in the announcement of the Ford birth control pill in 1892.
حل اللغز على اليوتوب : https://youtu.be/ubIxs6bEza8